Item Information


Type: Unknown

Rarity: Common

Value: 5

Dropped By

Monster Name Quantity Chance
Chicken 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Crow 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Rat 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Sheep 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Goat 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Pig 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Ox 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Young Goblin 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Goblin Grump 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Goblin Guard 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Goblin Chief 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Jin 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Red Ghoul 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Grey Wolf 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Cyclops 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Cave Demon 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Banshee 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Cave Beast 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Giant Cave Spider 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Wild Dog 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Crocodile 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Lion 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Brown Bear 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Skeletal Bear 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Elite Chicken 5 - 5 Always (100%)
Elite Crow 5 - 5 Always (100%)
Elite Rat 5 - 5 Always (100%)
Elite Sheep 5 - 5 Always (100%)
Elite Goat 5 - 5 Always (100%)
Elite Pig 5 - 5 Always (100%)
Elite Ox 5 - 5 Always (100%)
Phoenix 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Orc Captain 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Cobra 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Skeletal Hound 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Necromancer 1 - 5 Always (100%)
Fluffy 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Blue Devil 1 - 1 Always (100%)
Ancient Tribal Leader 5 - 5 Always (100%)
Noctyra 30 - 40 (%)

Used In

Area Item Requirements
AlchemyDefence Potion Level 5 Alchemy
QuestsWarrior I 25 needed
QuestsWarrior II 75 needed
QuestsDeath to All I 500 needed
QuestsDeath to All II 1000 needed
QuestsDeath to All III 2500 needed
QuestsBeginners Luck V 50 needed
QuestsBeginners Luck X 150 needed