Item Information

Snowflake Partyhat


Type: Equipment-Helm

Rarity: Event Special

Value: 100,000,000

Description: It appears to be party time

Defence Bonus: 1,500

Health Bonus: 10,000

Old Fishing Rod (E)

Type: Equipment-Blessing

Rarity: Blessed

Value: 1

Description: You can not beat a classic especially when it is enhanced

Knife of Copina (E)

Type: Equipment-Blessing

Rarity: Blessed

Value: 1

Description: An enhanced version of the Knife of Copina

Kynosian Boots (E)

Type: Equipment-Boots

Rarity: Blessed

Value: 1

Description: An enhanced version of the Kynosian Boots

Defence Bonus: 1,500

Health Bonus: 4,500

Bow Damage: 350

Bow Crit Chance: 3

Kynosian Gloves (E)

Type: Equipment-Gloves

Rarity: Blessed

Value: 1

Description: An enhanced version of the Kynosian Gloves

Defence Bonus: 1,200

Health Bonus: 3,000

Bow Damage: 350

Bow Crit Chance: 4

Kynosian Hat (E)

Type: Equipment-Helm

Rarity: Blessed

Value: 1

Description: An enhanced version of the Kynosian Hat

Defence Bonus: 1,800

Health Bonus: 4,000

Bow Damage: 500

Bow Crit Chance: 6

Kynosian Legs (E)

Type: Equipment-Greaves

Rarity: Blessed

Value: 1

Description: An enhanced version of the Kynosian Legs

Defence Bonus: 2,000

Health Bonus: 6,000

Bow Damage: 650

Bow Crit Chance: 15

Kynosian Top (E)

Type: Equipment-Top

Rarity: Blessed

Value: 1

Description: An enhanced version of the Kynosian Top

Defence Bonus: 3,000

Health Bonus: 9,000

Bow Damage: 800

Bow Crit Chance: 20

Scythe of Noctyra (E)

Type: Equipment-Weapon

Rarity: Blessed

Value: 1

Description: Filled with the power of darkness this legendary scythe once belonged to Noctyra the Goddess of Death

Attack Bonus: 6,500

Defence Bonus: 5,000

Strength Bonus: 9,000

Health Bonus: 10,000

Pickaxe of Copina (E)

Type: Equipment-Weapon

Rarity: Blessed

Value: 1

Description: An enhanced version of the Pickaxe of Copina

Attack Bonus: 400

Defence Bonus: 400

Strength Bonus: 400

Health Bonus: 400

Hatchet of Copina (E)

Type: Equipment-Weapon

Rarity: Blessed

Value: 1

Description: An enhanced version of the Hatchet of Copina

Attack Bonus: 400

Defence Bonus: 400

Strength Bonus: 400

Health Bonus: 400

Rod of Copina (E)

Type: Equipment-Blessing

Rarity: Blessed

Value: 1

Description: An enhanced version of the Rod of Copina

Dark Elven Helm


Type: Equipment-Helm

Rarity: Mythical

Value: 1,000,000

Description: A piece of armour crafted by the Dark Elves

Attack Bonus: 500

Defence Bonus: 1,500

Strength Bonus: 500

Health Bonus: 3,500

Dark Elven Gloves


Type: Equipment-Gloves

Rarity: Mythical

Value: 1,000,000

Description: A piece of armour crafted by the Dark Elves

Attack Bonus: 250

Defence Bonus: 900

Strength Bonus: 250

Health Bonus: 2,500

Dark Elven Boots


Type: Equipment-Boots

Rarity: Mythical

Value: 1,000,000

Description: A piece of armour crafted by the Dark Elves

Attack Bonus: 300

Defence Bonus: 1,250

Strength Bonus: 300

Health Bonus: 3,750

Dark Elven Greaves


Type: Equipment-Greaves

Rarity: Mythical

Value: 5,000,000

Description: A piece of armour crafted by the Dark Elves

Attack Bonus: 750

Defence Bonus: 1,750

Strength Bonus: 750

Health Bonus: 5,000

Dark Elven Plate


Type: Equipment-Top

Rarity: Mythical

Value: 5,000,000

Description: A piece of armour crafted by the Dark Elves

Attack Bonus: 1,250

Defence Bonus: 2,500

Strength Bonus: 1,250

Health Bonus: 7,500

Dark Elven Sword


Type: Equipment-Weapon

Rarity: Mythical

Value: 10,000,000

Description: A Mythical Sword crafted by the Dark Elves

Attack Bonus: 3,000

Defence Bonus: 3,500

Strength Bonus: 4,500

Health Bonus: 15,000

Lockpick of Copina

Type: Equipment-Blessing

Rarity: Treasure

Value: 50,000,000

Trade Limit: 1

Description: A legendary lockpick that helps out with Safecracking

Found In

Item Name Quantity Chance
Treasure casket 1 - 1 1 / 661,163

Stethoscope of Copina

Type: Equipment-Necklace

Rarity: Treasure

Value: 50,000,000

Trade Limit: 1

Description: A legendary stethoscope that helps out with Safecracking

Found In

Item Name Quantity Chance
Treasure casket 1 - 1 1 / 661,163